With the latest sale over, I've updated the book covers for CoM 1 - 4. Book 1 is 99 cents for the next week so let people know!
At some point I'll find/make a better cover for Hitori. I like the look of it, but it doesn't fit the content very well. Maybe I'll get lucky and find an artist who isn't overly busy that can assist. I also went through the CoM books and fixed some of the misspellings and updated the contact page, as well as the page that lists all the other books. Pretty minor stuff, but time consuming. Okay, back to writing!
I'm not a "omg this is going to be the best year ever" sort of person, I'm a bit more realistic than that. However, we do have somethings to start it off right. Here we go: 1. After some consideration, I'm adding a bit more to book 5. In the whole series, I've tried to give a glimpse of normal life for the rest of the world. It's easy to forget that these books are based in a real world setting when the main characters are dealing with vast amounts of supernatural craziness. So, I decided I better touch on that before moving on. Afterall, book 5 is in the future now! 2. Book 1 is free until Jan 6th. After which I'll probably put it back up at 99 cents for a week. So if you happen to just miss the freebie, at least you get the cheapie! 3. Last, but certainly not least, starting on 1/7 (when the sale ends, no choice) I'll be revamping the covers for the main series of CoM. It has bothered me since day 1 that these covers were more connected. Now, they are. Here is Book 1. Each book will mostly look like this one. The difference(s) are the number (obviously), the color of the bars, and the cheesy one-liner. I wanted to give the books a more Noir/detective feel, but still have the supernatural aspect and the silliness showing through somehow.
November 2023