If the in Spaaaaaace thing doesn't make sense, Youtube "Pigs in Space". It was an old Muppet Show skit. Anyways, moving on...
One of the things I've very much tried to keep going in these books is a relaxing of genres. I'll read just about anything handed to me, and from that, my style is a bit eccentric. M tends to have a quirky noir, satirical style, Hitori (or Mai in the COM series) is more of a old samurai/manga style, Domitianus was straight horror, and the Death Squad book was a mixed back of documentary, mythology, social commentary, and action. What I haven't dealt with is science fiction, which was very much on purpose. I wanted to ease into it. I know sci-fi is not everyone's cup of tea. COM starts in modern times and gradually works its way into the future. The idea being that time must pass, but in developing the characters and showing the progress of time through their technology and a bit through language, I hoped that the steps into space ships and planetary adventures wouldn't be as off-putting. If I drag you into space with existing characters, maybe the trip won't be so painful. Hopefully, you're up for the journey.
I'm going to break this post into a few parts, because I dislike writing 50 page posts for people to read. It makes me think of those ridiculous stories before a recipe. Just get to the point and give me the good stuff.
Firstly, or perhaps eightly, the next book in the Chronicles of M series (book 8) will be the last. Not the last of M, but the last of what makes up the "Chronicles" portion. I have written an intro, lots of notes, and pondered the crud out of the book, but the actual progress has been small. This is in due in part to wanting to finish this series correctly, work through all the plot holes I've left behind (mostly on purpose), wrap up character stories, etc. I'm also lacking in progress because of Truckstop Hipsters, creating a video game (I'll talk about at a later date), and the usual adulting things we all love and cherish (insert eyeroll here). There's also a super secret project in the works that I must be super secret about, but if it shall come to fruition...well, we shall see in due time. Once we're beyond book 8, there are two paths I'm taking this world I've created. One, in spaaaaaace, and the other will continue the path that these current series begins. Saying more will potentially be spoilers for book 8, so I will remain silent. All you need know is that parts 2 and 3 of this blog post will cover the two directions this will go....generically speaking. ![]() I've been working with Eric Wright on a brand new comic, Truckstop Hipsters. It's about 4 friends and their (mis)adventures while hanging out at their favorite locations....mostly a truckstop. This is in "coming soon" phase. Eric is doing ALL the art work, which includes water coloring the entire thing. It'll be amazing when it's done and I'll post some pictures going forward. Click on the Truckstop Histpers image to go to Eric's Facebook page. He's an amazing artist who does an array of art (ie not just comics). He also does commissions! |
November 2023