CoM #5 has been approved for paperback! In the next day or so it should start showing up on Amazon. As always, I tried to keep it as cheap is possible, which is to say it still costs more than I'd like it do. But, at least it'll be out soon and those of you not down with the e-book craze will have that new book smell to look forward to, and perhaps the story within its pages.
Book 6 just came from the editor a few minutes ago. I'll go through it tonight, over the next couple of days, and then send it back to her for one more sweep. I'm betting it'll be a few more weeks before that's published. This time around I'll get on the paperback wagon right away. Another random comic update: I'm apparently lettering comics now (adding word bubbles, text, etc). This one is written by Lou Frontier, and forgive me, I've forgotten who has done the artwork. Either way, this is the first page to "The Grave Digger", this will be published in The Fear Collective along side the comics I've written and showed off on here in the past few weeks. One of my stories is "Michael", based off of a possible timeline for M down the road. Another is Ted the Demon - just think Indiana Jones, but a demon, and a lot crazier. The last one, which is still needing an artist, is...well I'll show it when the time comes. By the way, there's no monkey, let alone named Tiger. I tricked you. BWHHAHAHAHAHA
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November 2023