Behind the Eyes of Death is coming along decently. I started working on the end, because I knew it was going to be trouble. The issue isn't so much what the ending will be, as that's already been handled in CoM book 6, it's how to present it. Normally, I would just wrap it out as I would any other book and move on, but this is different. This is a horror book. I don't think it's right (to the reader) to have all this blood, guts, and death ended on a note of super powered mutants, magic and the general weirdness that is CoM. However, that is the ending. So, I'm deciding if I should end it prior to that, or think of some way to horrify that ending a bit. Maybe bring on the CoM weirdness in a slow burn, rather than a quick slap across the face.
I've also started working on a short, sci-fi story. It's completely unrelated to any of the CoM stuff, but maybe not necessarily outside the world of it. After all, Catch and Release is set in the CoM world, so why not this?
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November 2023