I've been hitting the writing a bit less than I like, but it's coming. Part of it is trying to research something properly. I couldn't tell you exactly how I came across Up Helly Aa, but after reading into it (and numerous youtube videos) I decided I'd use it as a backdrop to one of the stories. However, I want to get it right. Since I can't afford to fly to the Shetland Islands and experience the event personally, I'm doing the next best thing: I'm absorbing everything I can get a hold of on the subject.
http://www.uphellyaa.org/ This is a fantastic resource put together by the Up Helly Aa Committee. Check it out, it looks like a fun time to be had. I'll find some pics of the event and post it on my Pinterest account as well. For those of you who don't know, the Pinterest account sort of teases at what is/will be in the books. I also have a "silly things" section that's completely unrelated. I also started working on the next section which may or may not be the last chapter of the book. I suspect this book will end up around 50k words, which doesn't sound like a lot, but keep in mind what's being written here. This isn't some usual fantasy book. This is a series of short story/mythological tales that detail the history of an entire race. That means it's nothing except content. The second half of the book reads more like modern short stories (details, subplots, etc) but it's still just that, short stories. I'm hoping you'll agree with me that content supersedes length. If I wrote this well enough, you'll pick it up, read it and by the end you'll be satisfied. If I remember, I'll post the chapter names. Think of it as a teaser...idk. If it goes over well I'll probably do it with each book.
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November 2023