In case anyone is wondering, "Hey, where's book 6 at already?" well, it's done. It's just not with the editor yet. Funds have been the leading issue. However, that should change soon, I'll keep you posted.
If you're asking yourself where all this other work is at? That stuff is done, at least on my end. The deadlines for the two anthologies are something like Jan 12th and Feb 1st. I don't know exactly because I'm not one to put something off until the very end. However, being anthologies there are several other hands involved in this, and everyone needs time to create their parts. That all being said, I believe the hopeful dates those will be available to the public should be around March (I think). I'll keep you posted, and give you more details as time approaches. The comic I did the "art" for is in proof ordering mode. What does this mean? The images, the text, all of it is done, but we are getting drafts of the printed copy and correcting the lighting here, tightening up a word bubble there, etc. Some things just print darker than what you see digitally.That comic is called "Incontinence Man" and all I can say is that it'll be out soon. Also, by "art" I mean I took some photographs and hit them with Photoshop to make them look more cartoony. All the writing, lettering (word bubbles and action words) and story are from the mind of KS Brooks. Again, more info will come as I can give it to you. One of the short stories is getting expanded into a full comic, and hopefully into a series. The plan is to get this to pitch it to publishers as soon as it's ready. At the moment the artist, Kristophor Harris (if you were following STD you'll recognize the name) is working on the short story version of that, along with a number of other projects. So, there's no real timetable on this one as well. Sorry, I'm full of adventures these days, but with no destinations in sight. Oh, yes, STD. Well, the 4 artists and I have all gotten stupid busy with all these different projects, so none of us have had the time to keep it up. As soon as it slows down, and I start seeing daily sketches that aren't meant for a project I'll start posting again. Sorry, that's what happens with free content. The most I can give you right here, right now is the ad I made for my friend. He's selling Roller Derby panties. Either you're a derby player/fan and you know what that is, or you think that sounds perverted. Either way, here's the ad. If you're into derby, then go check out his shop. It's listed across all the borders of this. The only part I didn't do was take the photographs.
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November 2023